Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's raining so I'm late...

It seems I'm still waiting for another late friend... why are they late? Because it's raining of course! LOL

Here it seems everybody is late when it rains. I asked around and it's kinda normal behavior.At first I couldn't understand. I was thinking: I'm here, on time and I have to deal with that rain too... what about snowstorms? In Canada we can have lots of snow and you still have to be on time, go to school or whatever you have to attend. But then I reflected a little on the subject... it's true traffic is almost heavy all the time in Seoul especially downtown but its a lot worst when it rains. Imagine a city over 20 millions deciding to take the car because its raining haha that's a big traffic jam! or that much people taking the subway while they usually would walk, take a taxi or bus...Metro jam! lol anyway it's true I understand more now but you know what when I get up I check the weather and I PLAN ahead!!! and I don't even have a window and I manage to be on time anyway LOL

....and oh boy guess what they forecasting for tomorrow: RAIN AGAIN!!!
I was really surprised when we got a typhoon few days ago, 2 deaths , lots of damage, Metro shutdown but still have to go to school and and everybody could make it on time, even the teacher. typhoon is ok but rain no haha

tree damage at school after the typhoon

A large metal billboard torn off.