Sunday, September 12, 2010


An another important thing: money.

well who can live without it? especially not South Koreans. Money is an important status marker in this capitalist and appearances focused society. Many Koreans live beyond their mean, with lots of debts due to social pressure. but that a totally different subject.
So lets do some money talk :D

The currency in Korea is the Won. it was use for a thousand years before the Japanese enforce the Yen during the colonial period. After the Japanese liberation the won was reintroduced and was worth 15 Won for each US dollar. Today one US dollar = 1,175 Won. The highest bill was the 10 000 Won bill until very recently (2009) they created a 50 000 Bill but still is not yet widely spread/used. Imagine last time I had to pay my rent I had to pay about 450 000W in 10 000W bills that's a lot of money to carry around hehe.

Here some pictures of bills

The 10 000 won bill with King Sejong on it.
The newly added bill with Shin Saimdang

Want more info?

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