Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Breaking News: North Korea's intimidation may be on the breach of surrender due to a piglet negotiator!

News of a new negotiator landed in Pyongyang this afternoon. This new approach became a necessity after North Korea's artillery bombardment of a South Korean island last week that killed four people and led both sides to threaten war. We were informed earlier today that North Korea have been insistingly demanding for the piglet figure also known as "Porky" by many around the world.
When asked about the funny looking figure Isabelle Drolet, the Canadian exchange student at Korea University and Porky's caretaker mentioned that she was "in complete incomprehension to why North Korea would want to have this cute good-natured little guy".
Rumors came from the South Korean presidential house's sources that Beijing commented on the acting of Kim Jong-il as nothing but a "spoiled child" behavior. Recently more confirmations in the press argue that China is trying to distance itself from the North's acting.The Chinese shift comes at a crucial juncture a China has refused to condemn the North Korean action. But today Beijing appeared to bow to US pressure to help bring about a diplomatic solution, calling for "emergency consultations" and inviting a senior North Korean official to Beijing.
China is sharply critical of US pressure tactics towards North Korea and wants a resumption of the six-party nuclear disarmament talks. But the Guardian can reveal Beijing's frustration with Pyongyang has grown since its missile and nuclear tests last year, worries about the economic impact of regional instability, and fears that the death of the dictator, Kim Jong-il, could spark a succession struggle.
After last week attacks the North demanded for Porky without any explanation to why and with a menacing tone. North Korean officials openly stated that any delays would result in more casualties. The attack continued last Friday and Sunday as we all know. These actions are attributed to the lack of negotiation between the parties. Finally with regret and no other alternative, Miss Drolet and the South Korean government, sent Porky on the presidential plane.  

Miss Drolet mentioned before the authorities her fear of not seeing the pig again and the sadden thoughts towards her friend Sandra Powers Giasson who entrusted her with Porky's security before leaving Montreal.  Miss Powers Giasson, Porky 's owner, had given Porky to many friends travelling previously in order to fulfill Porky's dream to go around the world. Miss Drolet had gladly accepted her offer since the pig haven't been to Korea so far. 

- " I fear that if something happens to him [Porky] that she will never forgive me but at the same time I have the fate of peace in my hands, also Porky really wanted to take this opportunity to go into restricted North Korea" Isabelle Drolet when questioned earlier today in Gimpo airport.

Here some pictures taken during his adventures.





And his last picture taken in Korea

All South Korea's hope are now resting on the little furry pink creature to help prevent further animosity and the creation of a regional crisis. Hopefully nothing will happen to the little loving beast and he will realize his dream to take a picture in front of the famous unfinished Ryugyong Hotel in downtown Pyongyang.