Friday, January 21, 2011

Chuseok (Thanksgiving) in Busan

Hi Guys,

Sorry to say that I haven't heard any news of Porky yet.  Don't give up I'm sure he will send something soon. A lot happened since Porky's abduction: I finally finished this never-ending semester, all the exams, presentations, papers, projects and finally I could SLEEP!  a commodity I had longed for.  sorry I did not update this blog sooner, as soon as the semester was over I just needed to rest, take care of some noisy roommates and prepare for my boyfriend's arrival a few days later.  He left Montreal on Dec 24th and arrived here on Christmas night as the best present ever. ^^  but that's another post hehe... now I'm trying to get all those pictures I wanted to post but didn't.  so here a little from my trip in Busan at the Korean Thanksgiving called Chuseok.  I had 3 days off from school so I use that opportunity to visit my friends in Busan.

I'm currently updating my system and trying to use a new photo software so bare with me, I'm trying to put some order in all the thousands of pictures to eventually be able to sort them out and post them more easily. so check out my Busan album on picasa in the meanwhile. ^^

Chuseok in Busan Album

Also I have a lot of videos from this trip... I will try very soon to do a small montage and post it.