Thursday, September 30, 2010


Can't talk about Korea without talking about the delicious mostly spicy food ^^  so here a few pictures...

my first grocery trip

Noodle's aisle

Dr You cookies lol

one of my first real meal in Korea Chicken and Beer with Yujin

That place was so hard to find but so worth it, even with a local as guide we needed a map and asking around. one of the best  Kimchi Jigae I tasted :)

one of my favorite dish : JJim Dalk (spicy chicken)

 watermelon and cappuccino donuts 

a local sweet : hotteok ,yeast bread with some brown sugar melted inside, serve hot and fresh :)

Japanese food: Tonkatsu

Some street food, chicken...sooooo spicy !!!!!!!

Fresh melon juice!

A must: korean BBQ with Stephane visiting for a few days 

There is a hut above each table in the restaurant

Japanese Bento


I had a nice time with my ex-roommate Yoobin  :)

mmmm Ramen!!!!

Yet another BBQ with Japanese friends visiting, meet Miho and Shino

 Coffe with cute guys hahaha

 This is BBQ Chicken... we cook it at the table and its spicy and delicious

 In school: gimbap and pineapple lassi for lunch so cheap and delicious

Are you hungry now?  I am haha

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some things only happens in Korea...(well almost)

Here some of the funny/weird stuff or anything that got my attention over the last weeks...

What's this?  This one I love, very clever, it's on the table of almost every restaurant , use this button to get service from the waiter.
Yes, it's a banana donut.  ok but not so delicious.
Found in a store, from what I understand this is use by everybody, your put your phone number on it and put it on the car's window. Since its a very populated city, its not easy to find parking spot and people park everywhere all the time, blocking often others,  they display messages like , sorry I needed the spot, call if you need, don't be mad I'm leaving soon....
Hi-tech toilet in my university

This café even comes with a cat hehe :P
At a fast food, they gave me this... a pager...Hey! that`s not fast food!!!!
At the wellbeing café:  anyone for a fride rice or a side dish of mene? ^^
At the Norae Bang (karaoke) 2 floors under mine, one morning they got beer delivery, they just left it there .
Coming back to me house one night I met a Buddhist monk bring back a shit load of McDonalds WTF lol
Go Chez Gras and get fat lol
no comments needed lol
Here they add calcium even in the ketchup haha
Granny visor in action on the subway 
a kind of bell in the toilet, this one is an etiquette bell, to make the flush noise so you don't disturb the neighbor, but contrarily to Japan they don't really use it here. 

What's that? it`s a tongue inspector with magnifier and a case to inspect on the go ! :)
And that?  Nose and neck slimmer. wtf..
the other kind of toilet....
lady at the university who wrap your books for you :) yay!
Another mystery, another bell...They have this button inside every toilet at school...when I asked that say if you need some help... I guess Korean girls are so small they must get stuck in the toilet from time to time...

a kind of drinkable yogourt
There have vending machine everywhere , this is taken from my street corner, its the convenience store I pass by everyday

Yup, two elevator next to each other but not going to all the floors... got tricked once... 

my first time to see a café with a volkswagen west falia inside, AND two ETs hugging into a radio flyer.  Note: one of them is listening to music lol
In University:  They ask your opinion about the G20 while you pee... Are Koreans that shy to express themselves?

on a school bldg....are you?
one cool bike
Starcraft matchs on TV
Saved my life during a flu, BITA500 (vitamin C)
Yes yes you read correctly,
 here soju is only 1000W in the supermarket so about 0.88$ CDN for a bottle of 20% liquor